Tuesday, May 12, 2009

11th May 2009, Monday. Great Improvement - 3 x 10 laps < 13m 20sec each set

Went for swimming at MF Safra. The pool was not so crowded at the beginning about 7.15pm but was quite packed after my 1st set of 10 laps. Tonight I trained hand-water-entry again with pull buoy, hopefully it would sink down into my sub-consciousness. Cool man!, there was improvement in the 3 sets of 10 laps; timing as follows:-

1st set - 12m 34s (rest 1-1/2min) (ave 1min 15.4sec per lap)
2nd set -12m 54s (rest 1-1/2 min) (ave 1 min 17.4sec per lap)
3rd set - 13m 18s (ave 1min 19.8sec per lap)

These timings mean 1lap < 1min 20 sec. Why concentrate < 1min 20sec per lap as a bench mark? It is the qualifying time to participate in Sing Biathlon which I have always thought I can never make it. 30 lap for 40 min, ave 1 lap 1min 20sec. Tonight timing proved I am close to achieving it, even though I was using a pull buoy for the training for the time being.

My next phase of concentration will be my rhythmical flutter kick, may be will start this training on my own after the next couple of week. Mean time will still concentrate on water entry and arm stretch for the couple of swim. Hopefully the near-perfect-stroke of catch, pull, push and recovery would be into the sub consciousness.

Tonight, deliberately not to watch out for on coming "human traffic", I mischievously swam continuously looking down into the pool and swam CCW in my lane, just to see how many collision would there be, or better still let other avoid collision with me. Sound like I own the pool hehe!! I collided head to head 2 to 3 time with swimmers whom could not swim CCW on their own lane. Hopefully these swimmers would learn to swim correctly soon, quite mean, right? haha! Hey I might be banned in the pool totally.

After my swim, I did what I like best, sit down to watch others swim, clocking others' lap timing, identify their mistake and learn from those who were swimming gracefully. Yes we do learn from others by observing.

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