Saturday, October 31, 2009

31st Oct 2009 Saturday - Yes I did it; 80 laps in Jurong Safra

No golf today as Lucille wanted to rest enough for her GE run tomorrow; so I took this opportunity to fulfill my wish of attempting the 80 laps pool swim (4 km). Today has the company of Melvin, Siew Lee and Dora in Jurong Safra in the morning.

Just like last time made 500m (10 laps) as a set and complete it less than 13 min including breather. The target was to complete 1st and 2nd 30 laps below 40min; and finally push on to complete the last 20 laps. The pool was not crowded thru out my swim, as this was necessary for a smooth uninterrupted swim.

Timing break-down:-
1st set - 12.20min (31s)
2nd set -12.11min (34s)
3rd set - 11.57min (30 laps = 37.32min)

4th set - 12.13min (37s)
5th set - 12.41min (39s)
6th set - 12.54min (30 laps = 39.36min) (60 laps = 1hr 17min)

7th set - 13.21min (1.15min)
8th set - 13.39min (29.15min)

Total time for 80 laps - 1hr 46min.

Looking at the last 2 sets' timing, it showed that I was getting very exhasuted. However, unlike the previous 60 laps swim 3 weeks ago, there was no cramp on the toes toward the end of 60 laps though. The last 10 laps was really tough and hung on to ensure I accomplished today ultimate goal.

Yes I made it; and this helps to condition myself and boost up confidence for long swim and at the same time prepare myself for brick training in future.

Quite happy with the timing; good improvement in the partial timing of 60laps as the previous timing was 1hr 24min and also managed to swim below 40min per 30 laps.

Now could feel my arm and legs muscles aching badly. Not too sure if I can complete the 34km run tomorrow with the MF runner.

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