Tuesday, October 27, 2009

26th Oct 2009 Monday - 17th YF Swim; Tough Desending then Ascending Swim Laps

Like I have said last Monday, I love ascending then descending lap swim and I still do after tonight reverse order swim; descending then ascending lap swim. It was so tiring and I was battling every ascending lap swim.

After many drill without float; yes without float! alas all the sudden I missed my float tonight. With float we got to breathe better when doing drill and somehow felt not too tiring and breathless. We also did the long-missed catch up drill which I have not done it ever since I moved away from Friday class.

Long swim Timing:-
500m-11.11min (40s breather)
400m- 9.25min (41s)
300m -7.05min (42s)
200m -4.44min (19s)
100m - 2.19min (47s)
200m- 5.01min (43s)
300m -7.34min (11s)
400m (360m) - (8.50min) (ugh, I was stopped by the Coach half way into my second last lap. He told me to save my strength for sprints, I think I was far off his cut off time for the last 400m).

I was in Lane 2 as usual, kind of like my home lane now. Lane 2 started with 6 or 7 swimmers, ended up only 3 swimmers left after the long swim and I being the slowest dropped to 3rd swimmer, sigh!!

Tonight training was really tough, for most Fish I guessed. Before we started our 6x50m sprints, we were bargaining. I suggested :- "4 x50m OK?" and one suggested "Why not 2 easy, 2 moderate, 2 hard".. Hahaha hello a sprint is a sprint lah, no such thing as easy or moderate sprint....:). Anyway still no discount........!!

6x50m sprint -->1.05s,, 1.06s,, 1.07s,, 1.10s,, 1.08s,, 1.06s, really really breathless....!

Well, despite another solid and tough training, I could see that all the Fish were happy with it.

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