Monday, June 1, 2009

29th May 2009 Friday - My 8th YF Swim, 10 x 50m Hard Sprint Swim

There was so many drills in tonight class, the most we ever had. Legs were very tired from all these drill....

The highlight for tonight was the 10x50m sprint - hard swim. I was doing quite OK for the first few laps until the 5 lap; I think, I sprint too fast in the beginning and this tired me down for the rest of the remaining laps. Nevertheless, managed below 1 min for 7 to 8 laps, and the rest was slightly over 1 min.

The coach ended the training by doing some relay. The distance was quite short though; 20m. And one was the relay swim was butterfly and it seemed that most of us could not manage. I swam the butterfly by pushing up from the bottom; the stroke looked very impressive hahaha!! Some swimmers complained that I cheated. What to do cannot swim butterfly mah?hehe!!"

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