Monday, July 27, 2009

26th July 2009 Sunday - 5th YF sea swim with bike and run brick

Went to the 5th YF sea swim. There were 2 start time, earlier one is 8 am for the new Fish and the later one was 9.15am for the "older" fish, I somehow qualified myself to be the older Fish, Seasoned fish? Anyway I chose to attend the 9.15am whereby I did not need to rush in the morning. The swim was great and I had enjoyed even more than the last few sea swims. I was more confident; practice sighting; try to understand wave and feel for current drift; accelerated speed to over take other swimmers; learn self recovery swim. Moving to Thursday also did give me some confidence in this sea swim.

Promoted to grp 2. Total 4 grp, swimmers were grp into 4 grp according to their speed.
1st set 2 big loops + 1 small loops; approx 850m 19min
2nd set 2 big loops + 1 small loops; approx 850m 19min
3rd set 2 big loops, 750m,17min
(Total swim time 55min).
"YF Coach - David Lim"
"Coach explaining the 2 big, 1 small for grp 2, and 3 big, 1 small for grp 1, etc"
"off we go...; and the mean coach said:- keep standing there, don't go to Desaru.."

"two happy fish enjoyed the swim"

The purpose for this ride was to test out the aero bar that I have just fitted this week, to familiarise it so that I would use it for this Saturday Desaru long tri. I would still need to do some minor adjust to ensure more comfort. Hot weather, met head wind in the coastal road. Experienced smoother ride as gear set and chain was also just been serviced
52km ride 1hr 55 min. Could not fast as initial part of coastal road was closed for trial cycling so peddle on the path way for approx 12 km

2 x 30 min from F2 to Lagoon/Chalet, approx 9 to 10km. Ran under noon blazing sun. Total run time 1hr.

Finished my brick at approx 2.15pm. This was also my last preparation for the Desaru long tri. Hope to do below 7-1/2 hrs.

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